Artist CV
Artist CV
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The light they do not resist. "
Oliver Bienkowski, born 1982 in Kassel, began his professional career at first quite civil. In northern Germany, Timmendorfer beach, he founded before his University student, one company for IT security services. He developed his own products, such as multi-monitor mounts for brokers and power companies, earned his computer science in economics and received by the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, the instructor approval in the areas of IT system electronics and electrical engineering.
However, there was, since early childhood, a great passion: the passion for light. The combination of digital technology and the illumination of buildings. Oliver Bienkowski and so developed their own ideas and own technological transformations, until in 2007 he was finally able to present light installations, where he concentrated light of lasers used. This is his very own medium, and since then he has to specialize.

Lasernetz Europa Lichtkunst Ausstellung Galerie Puri ( l. Stefan Löber [Galerie Puri], m. Eva Kühne-Hörmann [Hessische Ministerin für Wissenschaft & Kunst], r. Oliver Bienkowski)
It connects to the unusual way in which historical monuments such as the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, with motifs of the United Nations to the World Diabetes Day, or the Brandenburg Gate illuminated for Dresdner Bank. But let the Hype-Real-Estate, as the representative of modern buildings that had to be dropped in light letters on its facade the question: Who should pay? Also, the laser power Allgäu mountain peaks and roofed with laser Bismark towers were his work. Sun snatches Oliver Bienkowski hardly perceived monuments and facades of their slumber and provides food for thought.
His limited liability companies established for this purpose ensure the above concept for innovative advertising media, to establish themselves more and more in society and find a lot of attention from potential customers. Other topics for the company are the manufacture and installation of individual lighting objects, concepts and designs of social media, ambient and guerrilla marketing. epochal24 kümmt is city marketing, tourism and management centers.
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A particular inspiration for his work relates Oliver Bienkowski from the wind. For creative ideas he found mostly at different spots wind one there to control power kite (flying mat) with up to 10 meters span.

In addition to his professional and artistic commitment to the multi-talented and socially engaged. He is involved as a board in various associations and foundations and has participated several other social projects. In 2006 he founded clubs that is actively engaged in direct democracy, and social and ecological projects and still do. These activities have been rewarded with many awards, including the prize winners from attacking in 2009.
The search continues - Currently, his company in the development of new creative techniques. For example, a printer automates the road with high-pressure cleaning technology by partial, inverted logo on the road brings. The process is called branding Street. Automated with the completion of the CNC machine, Bienkowski hopes to expand and penetrate American markets as a spearhead in a new market.

4 Questions to Oliver Bienkowski
1st Question: On your website says: The man knows ways. He learns. He plays. He developed ideas. What do you want to express?
The man is aware of himself and his environment. The fact that he's thinking and trying new things he is able to try out (as opposed to animal) to change things and new. Of course he makes mistakes, but he can see the errors and they usually fix it again.
The light art is a result of reflection on circumstances and of trying something new. And the best result of human thinking is something that everyone says then afterwards: since every one had on it can come.
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2nd Question: You describe yourself as a light artist, what do you mean?
Light is the medium through which I can express myself best. With him I can leave with my fellow man and make a lasting impression. I am intrigued by this, both the play of colors and the contrast of light and dark. Of course everyone knows the painter. For me, just adds that I swim limited to a short time, but supported by a large audience and the size of the display on a big wave of attention. I explain to my representations, because, as already described, the light is on, my expression and not any words or explanations.
3rd Question: International Year of Forests 2011th On 21.3. They were responsible for the illumination at the Brandenburg Gate. Is it just a job for you or you want to also express your personal opinion?
to third
This was not just a job, that's my personal opinion. Our forests are improving something very valuable, something that people still can not replicate. Thus we should in front of them, as before any other part of nature too, have respect. An old growth forest, a jungle so has become rare in Europe. And when we stand before a three hundred year old tree, we may like to feel something like awe.
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4th Question: Are you committed to the homeless, run by children's toy collections or get involved in cities and towns, what motivated you?
Freedom, equality and fraternity as values may now sound a little worn. And perhaps you would have been replaced by the fraternity community sense. I try to be a compassionate and responsible human being and to help those who, through whatever circumstances, are not so much on the sunny side of life. This has been before me and with me many others have done and I hope that the future of the human interaction always gives a great importance.
Videos über Oliver Bienkowski
Letzte Ausstellung: Kunstgalerie Puri, Bad Wilhelmshöhe
Lichtarbeiten Überblick
Letztes Kunstprojekt: Weltdiabetestag, Vereinte Nationen
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Oliver Bienkowski hat schon in diversen TV Sendungen auf RTL II, SAT 1. oder ARD Fachbeiträge beigesteuert.
==Zu jedem Thema ein kurzer Presseartikel==
Brandenburger Tor Presseartikel
RTL II 20 Uhr Nachrichten -Konten leicht knacken-
Brandenburger Tor Illumination
2008 wird er noch eine Europa-Tour nachlegen um alle wichtigen Monumente der jeweiligen europäischen Staaten nachzulegen.
==Quellen Presseartikel Lichtkunst==
Bildzeitung Illumination Brandenburger Tor
Bild der Woche bei AOL: Lichtkunst von Oliver Bienkowski
Historischer Kraftakt: Oliver Bienkowski erleuchtet Weser Umschlaghafen
Künstlerverzeichnis Stadt Kassel
Extratip:Spielzeug für Kindertagesstätte
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Rundfunkgebühren Abschaffen: Contra ARD ZDF
RTL Aktuell: Volksbegehren startet durch
MainFM:Bürgerbegehren Umweltzone überstimmt Stadtverordnete
Bildzeitung:Volksbegehren soll Rauchverbot in Hessen stoppen
HNA:Oliver Bienkowski will 14000 Ginkgobäume pflanzen Anspielung auf Joseph Beuys 7000 Eichen
Extratip:Erste Baunataler Bedürftigenverkostung
Frankfurter Rundschau:Bürgerbegehren auf Bestellung
Radiointerview: HR3 Raucher Volksbegehren
HR4 Raucher Volksbegehren startet erfolgreich
Darmstädter Echo: Unterschriften für FreieRaucher
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Verein organisiert Volksbegehren gegen Rauchverbot
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HNA:Rauchverbot soll mittels Volksbegehren fallen
Marburger Neue Zeitung:Einnahmen der Kneipen sinken
Verein verköstigt Obdachlose:Kritik an den Tafeln
Frankfurer Neue Presse:Verein plant Volksbegehren gegen Rundfunkgebühren
GONG:Volksbegehren gegen die GEZ
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